by nikoo28 Here you can view all the articles published till date. LINKED LISTS What is a Linked List? Basic Operations on a Linked List. Important Operations on a Linked List. Find the nth node from the end in a Linked List. Reverse a single Linked List. Print a Linked List in reverse order. Check whether the length of the Linked List is EVEN or ODD? Reverse a Linked List in pairs. Find the middle of a Linked List. Check if a Linked List is a Palindrome. Implementation of a Stack. Implementing a Queue. Check if two Linked Lists are identical. Remove duplicates from a sorted Linked List. Find cycle in a linked list. Merge two sorted linked lists. THEORY What is an Algorithm? What is the rate of growth of an Algorithm? Types of Analysis of Algorithms Master Theorem for Divide and Conquer About Recursion Recursion and Memory (Visualization) Discuss the Tower Of Hanoi puzzle What is Backtracking? Generate all Strings of ‘n’ bits Why is C faster than other languages? What is a stack? What are infix, postfix and prefix expressions? What happens when we do *ptr++? What is a queue? How do pointers to pointers work in C? What is a priority Queue? Initialize an array to ZERO in C. SEARCHING and its forms. Different types of loops in C. What is a Memory Leak? What is a Wild Pointer? Stability of Sorting Algorithms What is Space Complexity? Playing with Pointers Unlocking the enum Mystery Symbol Table Implementations Algorithmic Paradigms – Brute Force Algorithmic Paradigms – Divide and Conquer Algorithmic Paradigms – Greedy Algorithms Algorithmic Paradigms – Dynamic Programming Algorithmic Paradigms – Recursion How do you compare two Algorithms? What is the Time Complexity of an Algorithm? Analysis of Algorithms MISCELLANEOUS How to check if a given number is a Fibonacci Number? Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators. What is the difference between ++i and i++ ? What is an unsigned char in C ? What is the difference between malloc() and calloc() ? Make a copy an entire Linked List. Generate random number in C. Evaluate a postfix expression using stacks. Get the minimum element from stack in O(1). Reverse a Stack using only PUSH and POP operations. Reverse a Queue using only PUSH and POP operations. Difference between char * const and const char *? Count the number of set bits in an integer. Can we use modulo operator on floating point numbers? Hackerrank – Equal Stacks Hackerrank – Between Two Sets ARRAYS Check if an array of characters is a Palindrome? How will you implement 2 stacks using an array? Find spans in an array? SORTING and its types. How to merge 2 sorted arrays? Check for duplicates in an array. Find the missing number in an array. Write a program to rotate an array. Find the number occurring odd number of times in an array. Print 2 repeating elements in an array. Find two elements in an array such that their sum equals ‘K’. Find 2 elements in an array such that their sum is closest to 0(zero). Find element in rotated sorted array. Find maximum occurring element in an array. Find element in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix. Find the first occurrence of an element in sorted array. Find the majority element in an array. Separate even and odd numbers in an array. Find the intersection point of 2 sorted arrays. Find next greater element (NGE) in an array. Container with maximum water. Array Nesting Single non-repeating number. Maximum sum contiguous sub-array. Hackerrank – Pairs Maximum Product Subarray VERY COMMON Write a program to calculate pow(x,n) Reverse digits of a number Write a program to reverse an array Unordered Linear Search Ordered Linear Search Binary Search Insertion sort Selection sort Bubble sort Merge sort Quick sort Shell sort Counting sort Bucket sort Radix sort Swap 2 integers Different ways to swap 2 integers Array Data Structure STRINGS Check if a character is uppercase or lower? Change the case of each character in a string Print the reverse of a string using recursion Print the reverse of a string without using recursion Find character with maximum frequency in a string Swap 2 strings in C Find the number of words in a given string Find the duplicate characters in a string Longest sub-string without repeating characters Next lexicographic string Pangrams CamelCase Matching in a string Longest palindromic sub-string. First unique character in a string. Valid anagram strings. Hackerrank – Two Strings TREES The TREE data structure The basics of Binary Tree Structure of Binary Trees Binary Tree Traversals Level Order Traversal in a Binary Tree Maximum element in a Binary Tree Search an element in a Binary Tree Insert an element in a Binary Tree Find the size of a Binary Tree Delete a Binary Tree Find the depth of a Binary Tree Find the deepest node in a Binary Tree Find the height of a Binary Tree Find the sum of elements in a Binary Tree Find the left view of a Binary Tree Find LCA of 2 nodes in a Binary Tree Determine if 2 trees are mirror trees Diameter of a Binary Tree PUZZLES The Stock Market Problem Make a fair coin from a biased coin How many Binary Trees are possible with n nodes? Find the prime numbers in first N numbers. Hackerrank – Camel Case Hackerrank – Two Characters Hackerrank – Multiples of 3 and 5 Hackerrank – Left Rotation Sum of even Fibonacci numbers Hackerrank – Missing Numbers Hackerrank – Sherlock and the Valid String You can also check out the Github repo for all the solutions. 3 comments Suheyla Dilsat Karaarslan March 1, 2024 - 10:36 amazing! Reply Subhayu Kumar Bala April 21, 2023 - 12:04 Thanks for this simple, great website. Reply raymond derania June 3, 2015 - 20:31 thank_you!!! Reply Enclose codes in [code lang="JAVA"] [/code] tagsCancel reply This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Thanks for this simple, great website.