Home Theory What are infix, postfix and prefix expressions?

What are infix, postfix and prefix expressions?

by nikoo28
1 comment 3 minutes read

Stacks can be used to implement algorithms involving Infix, postfix and prefix expressions. So let us learn about them:-


An infix expression is a single letter, or an operator, proceeded by one infix string and followed by another infix string.
A + B
(A + B) + (C – D)


A prefix expression is a single letter, or an operator, followed by two prefix strings. Every prefix string longer than a single variable contains an operator, first operand and second operand

+ A B
+ + A B – C D


A postfix expression (also called Reverse Polish Notation) is a single letter or an operator, preceded by two postfix strings. Every postfix string longer than a single variable contains first and second operands followed by an operator.

A B +
A B + C D –

Prefix and postfix notations are methods of writing mathematical expressions without parenthesis. Time to evaluate a postfix and prefix expression is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the array.

A + B + A B A B +
A + B – C – + A B C A B + C –
(A + B) * C – D – * + A B C D A B + C * D –

To study further, we must also know the operator precedence and their associativity:-

( )
[ ]
– .
function call
array element
struct or union member
17 left-to-right
— ++ increment, decrement 16 left-to-right
– +
& *
logical NOT
one’s complement
unary minus or plus
address or indirection
size (in bytes)
15 right-to-left
(type) type cast 14 right-to-left
* / % multiplicative 13 left-to-right
+ – binary add or subtract 12 left-to-right
<< >> shift 11 left-to-right
> >=
< <=
relational 10 left-to-right
== != equality 9 left-to-right
& bitwise AND 8 left-to-right
^ bitwise XOR 7 left-to-right
| bitwise OR 6 left-to-right
&& logical AND 5 left-to-right
|| logical OR 4 left-to-right
? : conditional 3 right-to-left
= += /= *= %=
&= ^=
assignment 2 right-to-left
, comma 1 left-to-right

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1 comment

Paul Grunt May 3, 2021 - 05:34

It’s not acceptable to use the word your defining as part of the definition. English 101.

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