Given a sorted array and a target element, find its first and last index.
Divide and Conquer
Problems that can be solved using Divide and Conquer algorithmic paradigm.
You are given an array that is sorted but also rotated by an unknown number of times. Given a target value, return the index if it can be found. In this post we discuss the solution to this problem using a modified version of the binary search technique.
Bucket Sort is a sorting technique which puts limitations on the input set to get an improved performance. But, before we start learning about this, let us take a quick recap. This is essential so that you understand what are the use cases of Bucket Sort. The sorting techniques that work in an average time complexity of are: Selection Sort Insertion Sort Bubble Sort Some sorting techniques that have an average time complexity of are: Merge Sort Quick Sort Counting Sort is a special sorting technique that does not work …
Algorithmic Paradigms in short define how you can go about solving a problem. If you are starting to solve problems in computer science, this course is designed for you. However, this course is also recommended for you if you are revising all the basics and want a quick recap of some famous techniques. What are Algorithmic Paradigms? Whenever you try to build something, or develop something, an initial research and foundation is very essential. Think about it, a skyscraper will only be as stable as its base. In the world …