Counting sort is not a comparison sort algorithm. The sorting techniques that work on comparison are: Selection Sort Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort The best time complexity you can achieve in any of these sorting techniques is . However, is some very specific cases, you can achieve an even faster computation time of . This is made possible by an assumption. We assume that the input data set is within a finite limit. For example, if you want to sort some characters of the English alphabet. You …
a tech-savvy guy and a design buff... I was born with the love for exploring and want to do my best to give back to the community. I also love taking photos with my phone to capture moments in my life. It's my pleasure to have you here.
Shell sort (also called diminishing increment sort) was invented by Donald Shell. This sorting algorithm is a generalization of insertion sort. Insertion sort works efficiently on input that is already almost sorted. In insertion sort, comparison happens between the adjacent elements. At most 1 inversion is eliminated for each comparison done with insertion sort. The variation used in shell sort is to avoid comparing elements until the last step of the algorithm. So, the last step of shell sort is to avoid comparing adjacent elements until the last step of …
In C, we declare an array as:- But by simply doing this declaration, the array is assigned all junk values. There can be many cases and situations when we need to initialize all the elements to ZERO (0) before we can make any further computations. The most naive technique to initialize is to loop through all the elements and make them 0. We have 3 other simple techniques as:- 1.> Global variables and static variables are automatically initialized to zero. If we have an array at global scope it will …
Write a program to find the character having the maximum frequency in a string?
by nikoo283 minutes readQuestion: We are given an input string, and we need to find the character with the maximum frequency. Input:- “This is an sample string.” Output:- The character with maximum frequency is :- i The logic of this problem is very simple, we need to scan the string and store the frequency of each of the character. For this we can use the ASCII code of the characters which is a separate integer. Note that character are not only the English alphabets. !@#$ are also characters. To extend our program to …
This algorithm is one of the specific ones people generally have a problem to understand. We will try out best to simplify it and understand it.Basically quick sort comprises of these steps:- Choose a pivot element (it can be any random element in array) In one iteration keep all the numbers smaller to it on the left side and larger to it on the right side.(smaller numbers)_ _ _[PIVOT]_ _ _(larger numbers) Now we have the left sub-array of (small numbers) and the right sub-array (large numbers) Repeat steps 1 …
Question: Write a program in C to reverse a string using recursion Input: Hello Everyone Output: enoyrevE olleH We will use the simple concept of recursion to print the string in reversed order. Note that, we will not store the reversed string in any variable, we are just printing the string in reversed order. Recursive function (reversePrint) takes string pointer (str) as input and calls itself with next location to passed pointer (str+1). Recursion continues this way, when pointer reaches ‘\0′, all functions accumulated in stack print char at passed …
Question: Write a program that changes the case of each character in a string. If its uppercase, convert it to lowercase and vice-versa. Input: ThE quiCK brOwN FOX jUMPs. Output: tHe QUIck BRoWn fox Jumps. In this program we shall apply the basic principle that each character is represented as an integer ASCII code. For more reference look into the post – Find the case of a character input by the user. Now we know that ‘a’ -> ASCII CODE = 97 ‘A’ -> ASCII CODE = 65 Thus the …
Write a program to find the case of a character entered from the keyboard.
by nikoo281 minutes readQuestion: Write a program that returns the case of the character? Input: e Output: lower case We shall use the concept of ASCII characters to determine the case of the character input by the user. The ASCII table can be found at this link. ASCII TABLE From this we can see the following ASCII codes:- CHARACTER ASCII CODE A 65 Z 90 a 97 z 122 Thus, to check the case we simply compare the ASCII codes. Since we are using C language, in C every character is considered as …
Merge Sort is one of the most popular methods of sorting an array and as offers a constant operating time of . And, as the name suggests it involves merging of several sorted arrays to combine and form a single sorted arrays in the end. The steps involved in merge sort are:- Divide the array in 2 parts left and right. Now recursively divide the left and right parts into more left and right sub parts. Keep doing step 2 , until the sub parts are no greater than a …
Question: We have 2 sorted arrays and we want to combine them into a single sorted array. Input: arr1[] = 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 25 || arr2[] = 2, 7, 10, 11, 19, 50 Output: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 19, 50 One of the simplest ways to solve this problem would be to copy both the arrays into a new array and then apply some sorting technique on them. But this method will not utilize the fact that both the arrays are already sorted. …