Home Trees Write an algorithm to find the size of a binary tree.

Write an algorithm to find the size of a binary tree.

by nikoo28
0 comments 4 minutes read

Question: Given the root pointer to a binary tree, find its size.

Input: Sample Tree (Pointer to node 1 is given). Find the size
sample_treeOutput: Size = 7

The size of the binary tree is basically the number of nodes in a binary tree. Since, the tree follows a recursive approach we can easily solve this problem by recursion. We calculate the size of left and right sub-tree recursively, add 1 (current node) and return to its parent.

The recursive implementation can be done as:-


struct binaryTreeNode{
	int data;
	struct binaryTreeNode * left;
	struct binaryTreeNode * right;

// Recursive method to find the size of binary tree
// Finding the number of nodes
int sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(struct binaryTreeNode * root)
	if(root == NULL)
		return 0;

		// We recursively travel the left sub-tree
		// Add 1 for the root nodes
		// We then recursively travel the right sub-tree
		return (sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(root -> left)
		+ 1
		+ sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(root -> right));


CASE 1 :

When the root is null, it simply returns 0, because no nodes are present in tree.

if(root == NULL)
    return 0;

CASE 2 :

Now let us take a case when only 1 node is present.
one node image
The else block executes

return (sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(root -> left)
        + 1
        + sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(root -> right));

This happens in the statement:-

  • root -> left is NULL in this case and from above CASE 1 it will return = 0
  • add 1
  • root -> right is NULL again and from above CASE 1 it will return = 0

So the statement will return = 0 + 1 + 0
Hence, the size of the tree = 1

CASE 3 :

Taking a case of 1 node and left sub-tree.
2 nodes image
Now when the command is executed

sizeOfBinaryTreeRecursive(root -> left)

The left sub-tree comes into consideration and we have the root pointer as -> 2
And from the above case we know that this tree will return a value of = 1
So, now we again have:-

  • root -> left is sub-tree in this case and from above CASE 2 it will return = 1
  • add 1
  • root -> right is NULL again and from above CASE 1 it will return = 0

So, the statement will return = 1 + 1 + 0
Hence, the size of tree = 2

CASE 4 :

Taking the generalized case of 3 nodes, root left sub-tree and right sub-tree.
Now we simply have a right sub-tree as well.

  • root -> left is sub-tree in this case and from above CASE 2 it will return = 1
  • add 1
  • root -> right is a sub-tree which will be similar to above CASE 2 and return = 1

So, the statement will return = 1 + 1 + 1
Hence, the size of the tree = 3

Thus, from the visualization of the above algorithm we can see that because of the repeating property of tree structure, size of tree can be calculated.

Time Complexity:- O(n)
Space Complexity:- O(n)

Method 2:- Find the size of the binary tree without using recursion.

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