Home Theory PreOrder Traversal in a binary tree

PreOrder Traversal in a binary tree

by nikoo28
0 comments 4 minutes read

We learned about the different type of traversals in this post

In pre-order traversal, each node is processed before (pre) either of its sub-trees. This is the simplest traversal to understand. However, even though each node is processed before the sub-trees, it still requires that some information must be maintained while moving down the tree. Let us consider an example

binary_tree_2In the example tree shown above, the node “1” is processed first, then the left sub-tree, followed by the right sub-tree. Therefore, processing must return to the right sub-tree after finishing the left sub-tree. To move to right sub-tree after processing left sub-tree, we must maintain the root information. The obvious ADT (Abstract Data Type) for such information is a stack. Because of its LIFO (Last In First Out) structure, it is possible to get the information about the right sub-trees back in the reverse order.

Pre-order traversal is defined as follows:

  • Visit the root (Step 1)
  • Traverse the left sub-tree in Pre-order (Step 2)
  • Traverse the right sub-tree in Pre-order (Step 3)

With this definition, let us try to traverse the above tree –

pre order traversal image(1)pre order traversal image(2)

So the final pre-order traversal will be 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7

We can therefore write the recursive version of the traversal as:-

void preOrderRecursive(struct binaryTreeNode * root)
        // Visit the root (Step 1)
        printf("%d", root -> data);

        // Preorder traversal of left sub-tree (Step 2)
        preOrderRecursive(root -> left);

        // Preorder traversal of right sub-tree(Step 3) 
        preOrderRecursive(root -> right);

Non-Recursive Preorder traversal

In recursive version a stack is required as we need to remember the current node so that after completing the left sub-tree we can go to right sub-tree. To simulate the same, first we process the current node and before going to left sub-tree, we store the current node on stack. After completing the left sub-tree processing, pop the element and go to its right sub-tree. Continue this process until stack is non-empty.

void preOrderNonRecursive(struct binaryTreeNode * root)
	// Create a new stack
	struct stackNode * S = null;
	// We need to keep running the loop until stack is not empty
			// Process the current node (Step 1)
			printf("%d", root -> data);
			S = push(S, root -> data);
			// If left sub-tree exists, we need to add it to the stack.
			// So go to the left tree (Step 2)
			root = root -> left;
		// If the stack is empty, that means all nodes have been traversed
		// we need to break
		// If stack is not empty, we need to see the last element in the stack
		// So pop it
		root = top -> data;
		//Remove the element from stack
		S = S -> next;
		// Now go to the right sub-tree (Step 3)
		root = root -> right;
	// We need to delete the stack

Time Complexity:- O(n)
Space Complexity:- O(n)

You can download the complete working code here.

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