Question: Given a string, identify if it is a pangram. Input: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy little dog.Output: pangram To start with the problem statement we must first understand what is a pangram. A pangram is a string that contains all the characters in the English alphabet at-least once. This means that the string ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy little dog’ will cover each of the letter from ‘a-z’. So how to identify if a string is a pangram?You need to keep a check …
A string is said to be valid when it has only distinct characters and none of them repeat simultaneously. For example, if string ‘s two distinct characters are x and y, then valid examples could be xyxyx or yxyxy but not xxyy or xyyx.Question: Given a sample string, we need to determine what is the maximum length of valid string that can be made by deleting any of the characters.Input: beabeefeabOutput: 5 Explanation: Let us try to understand the output for the sample test case.If we delete e and f, …