Give an algorithm to reverse a queue. You can only use generic functions of the Queue ADT.Input:
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42Output:
To solve this question will take the help of an auxiliary stack. The steps involved will be:-
- Create an auxiliary stack S.
- Until the queue Q is not empty, push the elements of the queue, in the stack S.
- Now we have a stack in which the last element of the Queue is at the TOP.
- Until the stack is empty POP(S) and enQueue it in the empty Queue.
Here is the implementation of the above algorithm.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node * next; }; struct queue { struct node * front; struct node * rear; }; struct stackNode { int data; struct stackNode * next; }; struct stackNode * push(struct stackNode * top, int element); struct queue * enQueue(struct queue * q, int num); int deQueue(struct queue ** q); int pop(struct stackNode ** s); int main(void) { struct queue * Q = NULL; //adding some elements Q = enQueue(Q,4); Q = enQueue(Q,8); Q = enQueue(Q,15); Q = enQueue(Q,16); Q = enQueue(Q,23); Q = enQueue(Q,42); //A queue is created //FRONT 4 -> 8 -> 15 -> 16 -> 23 -> 42 REAR printer(Q); //creating an auxiliary stack struct stackNode * S = NULL; while(Q->front != NULL) S = push(S, deQueue(&Q)); //Now our stack is created //TOP 42 -> 23 -> 16 -> 15 -> 8 -> 4 //Time to re-insert the elements Q = NULL; while(S != NULL) Q = enQueue(Q, pop(&S)); //Now our queue is created //FRONT 42 -> 23 -> 16 -> 15 -> 8 -> 4 REAR printer(Q); return 0; } //All the helper functions struct stackNode * push(struct stackNode * top, int element) { struct stackNode * temp = (struct stackNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct stackNode)); if(!temp) { printf("STACK OVERFLOW"); return top; } temp -> data = element; temp -> next = top; return temp; } struct queue * enQueue(struct queue * q, int num) { struct node * temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp -> data = num; temp -> next = NULL; if(q==NULL) { q = (struct queue*)malloc(sizeof(struct queue)); if(!q) { printf("OVERFLOW EXCEPTION"); return NULL; } q -> front = temp; } else q -> rear -> next = temp; q -> rear = temp; return q; } int deQueue(struct queue ** q) { int x = (*q)->front->data; struct node * temp = (*q)->front; (*q) -> front = (*q)->front->next; free(temp); return x; } int pop(struct stackNode ** s) { int x = (*s)->data; struct stackNode * temp = *s; *s = (*s)->next; free(temp); return x; } void printer(struct queue * q) { struct node * x = q->front; while(x != NULL) { printf("%d ",x->data); x = x->next; } printf("\n"); }