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How will you reverse a queue?

by nikoo28
0 comments 4 minutes read

Give an algorithm to reverse a queue. You can only use generic functions of the Queue ADT.

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


To solve this question will take the help of an auxiliary stack. The steps involved will be:-

  • Create an auxiliary stack S.
  • Until the queue Q is not empty, push the elements of the queue, in the stack S.
  • Now we have a stack in which the last element of the Queue is at the TOP.
  • Until the stack is empty POP(S) and enQueue it in the empty Queue.

Here is the implementation of the above algorithm.


struct node
	int data;
	struct node * next;

struct queue
	struct node * front;
	struct node * rear;

struct stackNode
    int data;
    struct stackNode * next;

struct stackNode * push(struct stackNode * top, int element);
struct queue * enQueue(struct queue * q, int num);
int deQueue(struct queue ** q);
int pop(struct stackNode ** s);

int main(void)
	struct queue * Q = NULL;

	//adding some elements
	Q = enQueue(Q,4);
	Q = enQueue(Q,8);
	Q = enQueue(Q,15);
	Q = enQueue(Q,16);
	Q = enQueue(Q,23);
	Q = enQueue(Q,42);

	//A queue is created
	//FRONT 4 -> 8 -> 15 -> 16 -> 23 -> 42 REAR

	//creating an auxiliary stack
	struct stackNode * S = NULL;

	while(Q->front != NULL)
		S = push(S, deQueue(&Q));

	//Now our stack is created
	//TOP 42 -> 23 -> 16 -> 15 -> 8 -> 4

	//Time to re-insert the elements
	Q = NULL;
	while(S != NULL)
		Q = enQueue(Q, pop(&S));

	//Now our queue is created
	//FRONT 42 -> 23 -> 16 -> 15 -> 8 -> 4 REAR

	return 0;

//All the helper functions
struct stackNode * push(struct stackNode * top, int element)
    struct stackNode * temp = (struct stackNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct stackNode));
		printf("STACK OVERFLOW");
		return top;
    temp -> data = element;
    temp -> next = top;
    return temp;

struct queue * enQueue(struct queue * q, int num)
	struct node * temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
	temp -> data = num;
	temp -> next = NULL;
		q = (struct queue*)malloc(sizeof(struct queue));
			return NULL;
		q -> front = temp;
		q -> rear -> next = temp;
	q -> rear = temp;
	return q;

int deQueue(struct queue ** q)
	int x = (*q)->front->data;
	struct node * temp = (*q)->front;
	(*q) -> front = (*q)->front->next;
	return x;

int pop(struct stackNode ** s)
	int x = (*s)->data;
	struct stackNode * temp = *s;
	*s = (*s)->next;
	return x;

void printer(struct queue * q)
	struct node * x = q->front;
	while(x != NULL)
		printf("%d ",x->data);
		x = x->next;

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