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  • Greedy algorithms is a paradigm that describes the approach on how you can go about solving a problem. You might have heard about a lot of algorithmic techniques while learning how to solve problems in computer science. The others being: Brute Force Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming In this post we shall understand what a greedy algorithm is and how can it be used to solve problems which don’t seem very trivial at the first glance. What is a Greedy Algorithm? What is the first thing that comes to your …

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  • Theory

    Algorithmic Paradigms – Brute Force

    by nikoo28
    5 minutes read

    Brute force method would probably be the favorite algorithmic paradigm of every developer. The beauty of a brute force method is that it is pretty straightforward and if a solution to a problem exists, you are guaranteed to find it. This option is also the most exhaustive option as we might go through all the possibilities before arriving at the result. What is Brute Force Method? You might have heard the phrase “Brute force method to solve the problem”. What exactly do you mean by that? It simply means that …

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  • What comes to your mind when you think about divide and conquer? Do you think about wars? A strategy? A way you can split up your forces and then conquer the enemy? I am here to tell you that is exactly right. Luckily, in computer science you don’t have to deal with weapons and artillery. There are several ways to approach a problem. Divide and conquer is one of them. In our case a problem statement is our enemy. We need to break it into parts (divide) and then solve …

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  • Strings

    Valid anagram strings

    by nikoo28
    5 minutes read

    Given two strings str1 and str2. Write a function to determine if str1 is an anagram of str2. Example 1:str1 = “listen”, str2 = “silent”Output = True Example 2:str1 = “mississippi”, str2 = “mips”Output = False Terminology: Anagram: Two words or phrases are said to be anagrams of each other if they can be formed by re-shuffling of characters in one of them. Problem Statement: In the given problem we have 2 strings as input. They may be single words or phrases. Return true if they anagrams of each other, …

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  • Strings

    First unique character in a string

    by nikoo28
    4 minutes read

    You are given a string with some repeating characters and some unique characters. Find the first unique character and return its index. Example 1:Input: studyAlgorithmsOutput: 2 Example 2:Input: iLoveToCodeOutput: 0 Problem Statement: I want to simplify the problem statement first before we begin to solve it. An input string consists of some uppercase and lowercase characters which may or may not be repeated. Out of all the unique characters, you need to return the characters that occurs first in the string. In the first example studyAlgorithms, s, and t are …

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  • Trees

    Diameter of a Binary Tree

    by nikoo28
    6 minutes read

    You are provided with a binary tree, return the length of the diameter. The diameter of the binary tree is defined as the length of the longest path between any two nodes in the tree. In the above example the diameter of the binary tree is 7. Problem Statement: We can easily find out the distance between two nodes in a binary tree. In the given example, the distance between node 5 and 8 is 4. The distance between node 2 and 6 is 3, the distance between node 8 …

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  • Arrays

    Maximum sum contiguous sub-array

    by nikoo28
    5 minutes read

    You are provided with an array of integers. We need to find the sub-array with the maximum sum such that all the elements are contiguous. Example:Input: [-2, -5, 6, -2, -3, 1, 5, -6]Output: 7Explanation: The sub-array with maximum sum is [6, -2, -3, 1, 5] Problem Statement: You are provided with an array of integers. These elements could be all positive, all negative or a combination of both. A sub-array is a smaller array formed using the elements of the original array. The condition for this problem is that …

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  • Linked List

    Merge two sorted Linked Lists

    by nikoo28
    4 minutes read

    You are given 2 sorted linked lists with a head pointer. Find a way to merge these 2 lists and return a single sorted list. Try to solve the problem without using any extra space. Example 1:List 1: 1 -> 2 -> 4List 2: 1 -> 3 -> 4Output: 1 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 4 Problem statement To read about Linked Lists, refer to the post “What is a Linked List“? For our current problem statement, we are given two list heads or we refer …

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  • Arrays

    Single non-repeating number

    by nikoo28
    4 minutes read

    Let us suppose you are given an array of integers. The special thing about this array is that all numbers are repeated twice except one. Find the single non-repeating number. Example 1:Input: [2, 1, 1]Output: 2 Example 2:Input: [4, 5, 5, 2, 2]Output: 4 Problem statement: You are given an array of all positive integers. All the integers are repeated exactly twice except one. We need to find that number with a linear time complexity and using the minimum space possible. Brute Force Method: When tackling such problems, it is …

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  • Strings

    Longest Palindromic Substring

    by nikoo28
    4 minutes read

    Let us suppose that we are given a string ‘str’. You need to find out the longest palindrome as a substring. Note that the elements of the string should be contagious. Example 1:Input: “aaebabad”Output: “bab”Note: “aba” is also a valid answer Example 2:Input: “cbeereed”Output: “eeree” Terminology: Palindrome: A palindrome is a type of string that reads the same when reading left to right and right to left. An example of a palindrome can be “level”, “racecar”, “kayak” etc. Sub-string: A string formed formed using the characters of the string that …

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