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What is the Time Complexity of an Algorithm?

Time complexity is an important criteria when determining the quality of an algorithm. An algorithm is better if it produces the same result in a less time for the same input test cases.

Fig: Time taken

However, one must take care of the type of input data used. Some input data can give you false positives. Let us take an example to understand this better. You have an algorithm that is sorts a list of numbers. If the input data you provide to this algorithm is already sorted. Then this algorithm gives you perfect results, in the least amount of time. However, it may be possible that any other algorithm that is statistically faster would take more time to process the input.

How can I calculate the time taken by every algorithm?

This might be a question that can bother a newbie. You cannot simply determine how much time every algorithm would take and even generating valid input data for each of the methods would be a cumbersome task.

This is the reason we call it time complexity, and not time taken.

An algorithm is an independent entity, and hence we shouldn’t be measuring its performance with the machine it is running on. Given that, we need to relate the performance of an algorithm with the input size. This is usually denoted by n. To put it in really simple terms, n determines the number of elements in the input data. Then we count the number of primitive operations carried out by the algorithm on each item.

What are primitive operations?

Primitive operations simply mean a single step instruction performed on an item. They could be like:

IMPORTANT: A function call although looks like a single step, it may or may not be a primitive operation. We need to dig into the method to actually determine if it was a primitive operation.

Here are some examples:

public void run() {
  int a = 1; // primitive
  int b = 4; // primitive
  if (b < 10) { // primitive

    doSomething(a); // not primitive


public void doSomething(int a) {
  // some operations on 'a'
}Code language: Java (java)

To calculate the time complexity of an algorithm, we find out the number of primitive operations we are doing on each of the item in the input set. For instance, we are doing 4 operations on each item of array of size n, then the time complexity of the algorithm would be said to be 4n units.

What about conditional blocks? Based upon the input that we get, some conditional blocks will or will not execute. If executed, they add to the time complexity of the algorithm and it may take more time to run. To overcome this problem we usually observe 3 kinds of time complexities

Case analysis of Time Complexity:
Video Explanation:
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