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How to print something without using even a single semicolon?

The general way to print any statement would be like:-

int main(void)
    printf("Hi! There...");

But in this example we are using at least one semicolon(;).

Our target is to print something on the screen without using even a single semi colon(;) . This is sort of a fun problem rather than an actual concept. It may seem to be impossible at once but we can utilize the fact that the statements inside an if condition is always executed and its result is used to determine the block to be executed.
We can do something like this:-

int main(void)
    if( printf("Hi! There...") )
        // Do nothing

This will print without having used a semicolon.
One trivial extension of the above problem: Write a C program to print “;” without using a semicolon.

int main()
    if( printf("%c",59) ) // We use the ascii value
        // Do Nothing

Feel free to share other methods in comments below.

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