Home Arrays Given a function that generates random number from 1-7, write a function that generates random numbers from 1-10.

Given a function that generates random number from 1-7, write a function that generates random numbers from 1-10.

by nikoo28
7 comments 3 minutes read

Question: You are given a function rand7() – that generates random numbers from 1-7. Write a function rand10() – that uses rand7() to generate random numbers from 1-10.

This appear to be one of those probabilistic analysis questions. You should be familiar with the concept of expected value, as it could be extremely helpful in probabilistic analysis.

Assume you could generate a random integer in the range 1 to 49. How would you generate a random integer in the range of 1 to 10? What would you do if the generated number is in the desired range? What if it’s not?

This solution is based upon Rejection Sampling. The main idea is when you generate a number in the desired range, output that number immediately. If the number is out of the desired range, reject it and re-sample again. As each number in the desired range has the same probability of being chosen, a uniform distribution is produced.

Obviously, we have to run rand7() function at least twice, as there are not enough numbers in the range of 1 to 10. By running rand7() twice, we can get integers from 1 to 49 uniformly. Why?

Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 3.32.27 AM

A table is used to illustrate the concept of rejection sampling. Calling rand7() twice will get us row and column index that corresponds to a unique position in the table above. Imagine that you are choosing a number randomly from the table above. If you hit a number, you return that number immediately. If you hit a *, you repeat the process again until you hit a number.

Since 49 is not a multiple of tens, we have to use rejection sampling. Our desired range is integers from 1 to 40, which we can return the answer immediately. If not (the integer falls between 41 to 49), we reject it and repeat the whole process again.

int rand10()
    int row, col, idx;
        row = rand7();
        col = rand7();
        idx = col + (row-1)*7;
    while (idx > 40);

    return 1 + (idx-1)%10;

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Simon June 12, 2016 - 07:40

Is this correct? (rand7() – 1)/6*9 + 1
rand7() – 1 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 6
(rand7() – 1)/6 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 0.1
(rand7() – 1)/6*9 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 9
(rand7() – 1)/6*9 + 1 generates uniform distribution between 1 and 10

Simon June 12, 2016 - 07:47

There is typo in my comment above, I correct my question as below:

Is this correct? (rand7() – 1)/6*9 + 1
rand7() – 1 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 6
(rand7() – 1)/6 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 1
(rand7() – 1)/6*9 generates uniform distribution between 0 and 9
(rand7() – 1)/6*9 + 1 generates uniform distribution between 1 and 10

Hiren July 11, 2015 - 23:05

Couldn’t it be done as follows?
rand7() + (rand7() % 4)

Ryan July 27, 2015 - 07:57

No, 0 will only be generated once when the numbers 1-7bbl under modulus 4

Igor July 1, 2015 - 03:25

Hi, I wonder what’s the time complexity of this algorithm? Is it O(1)?

arulsubramaniam April 19, 2015 - 06:14

Good one . I think , the question is written wrongly in the post . Please correct it.

Question: There is an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to multiplication of all the elements of A[N] except A[i]. Solve it without division operator and in O(n).
nikoo28 April 19, 2015 - 08:43

Thanks for correcting the typo. :)
This happens, when you copy your previous question to keep the formatting changes. :P

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